Hemorrhoids: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Introduction of Hemorrhoids:

Piles or hemorrhoids are a condition that involves the inflammation of a number of blood vessels that are located within the rectum and the anus area, which is essentially similiar to varicose veins. They can also result in causing discomfort, itching, bleeding and pain. Most people have hemorrhoids at some point in their life, and many are not a serious or recurrent issue that may require a doctor’s attention. This article is a step-by-step approach to explaining what hemorrhoids are, symptoms, treatment options and ways through which they can be prevented.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are classified into two main types:

1. Internal Hemorrhoids: These are located within the rectum and while they do not ordinarily cause pain they may produce blood.

2. External Hemorrhoids: These develop under the skin around the anus and can be very painful, particularly when secondary infection has set in.

image showing hemorrhoid pain

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids:

This is because there are two types of hemorrhoids, namely internal and external hemorrhoids, not forgetting that their intensity also differs. Common symptoms include:

Bleeding: Bright red blood after a bowel movement is a common symptom.

Itching or Irritation: The area around the anus may feel itchy or irritated.

Pain or Discomfort: Pain, especially during bowel movements, is a typical symptom of external hemorrhoids.

Swelling: A lump near the anus, which may be sensitive or painful.

Prolapse: Internal hemorrhoids may push through the anus, causing a protruding mass.

hemorrhoid pain image

Causes of Hemorrhoids and Risk Factors:

Several factors can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids:

Straining During Bowel Movements: This puts pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus.

Chronic Constipation or Diarrhea: Both conditions can lead to straining and irritation.

Sitting for Long Periods: Prolonged sitting, especially on the toilet, increases pressure on the veins.

Pregnancy: The increased pressure on the pelvic veins during pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids.

Obesity: Excess weight can put strain on the rectal and anal veins.

Low-Fiber Diet: A diet low in fiber can lead to constipation and straining.

Diagnosis of Hemorrhoids:

Most cases of hemorrhoids can be diagnosed simply by a doctor’s general palpation of the anus and rectum. A doctor may perform a:

Visual Examination: To identify external hemorrhoids.

Digital Rectal Examination: To check for internal hemorrhoids.

Anoscopy or Proctoscopy: To get a closer look at the internal hemorrhoids using a special instrument.

Treatment Options for hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids require treatment and, such may be carried out through home methods or through medical treatment, depending on the extent of the problem.

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids:

1. High-Fiber Diet: nutrition such as taking fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help in softening the stool and thus decrease straining.

2. Hydration: Another important fact for the theme is that drinking water is effective for avoiding constipation.

3. Warm Sit Baths: This is an effective method to provide relief from the symptoms; a simple practice includes washing the anal area in warm water for a period of 10–15 minutes several means of times in a day.

4. Over-the-Counter Creams and Ointments: Hydrocortisone or witch hazel containing products may help solve the problem.

Medical treatments for hemorrhoid:

1. Non-Surgical Procedures:

Rubber Band Ligation: A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off blood supply, causing it to shrink.

Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected into the hemorrhoid to shrink it.

Coagulation: Laser or infrared light is used to harden and shrink the hemorrhoid.

2. Surgical Procedures:

Hemorrhoidectomy: Surgical removal of severe hemorrhoids.

Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy: A procedure to block blood flow to hemorrhoidal tissue, causing it to shrink.

Prevention of hemorrhoids:

Preventing hemorrhoids involves making lifestyle changes to reduce the risk factors:

Eat a High-Fiber Diet: Aim for 20-35 grams of fiber daily.

Stay Hydrated: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Exercise Regularly: Physical activity helps maintain healthy bowel movements.

Avoid Straining: Don't delay bowel movements and avoid straining during them.

Limit Sitting Time: Take breaks to stand and move around, especially if you sit for long periods.

image of high fiber diet


Frequently developing on and around the rectum, hemorrhoids can lead to a lot of distress. Information on the signs, risk factors, and methods of dealing with and avoiding hemorrhoids is a good start. If the symptoms are protracted or intense, then it is recommended to seek medical attention to be diagnosed and treated accordingly. A well-balanced diet, regular intake of water, and proper bowel movement should be adopted by people in order to avoid hemorrhoid formation and maintain proper digestive system health.

Points to remember about hemorrhoids and frequently asked questions (FAQ)

1. What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are varicosities of the vascular channels that lie within the anus and lower rectum. It is a condition that may also form inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or outside under the skin (external hemorrhoids).

2. What causes hemorrhoids?
Some of the major causes of hemorrhoids include passing bowel movements, continence of sitting for a long time on toilets, chronic diarrhea and constipation, obesity, pregnancy, especially in the later trimesters, and sexual intercourse.

3. Hemorrhoids are not usually painful, but here are the signs that you have them:

Hemorrhoids may be asymptomatic, or they may present with pain or discomfort in the anal area, itching/irritation, swelling around the anus, bleeding on and/or around the bowel movement, or a lump in the anal area.

4. How are hemorrhoids diagnosed?
Hemorrhoids are mostly diagnosed through a clinical exam and history-taking in addition to a stool examination. Sometimes, other tests, including anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy, may be required in order to establish the diagnosis.

5. What are the ways in which hemorrhoids can be treated?
Listed below are some of the treatments for hemorrhoids: topical preparations, creams or ointments, sit baths, changes in lifestyle and diet, or, in the case where these options do not work, medical procedures such as rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and surgery.

6. Is it possible that hemorrhoids can be treated by themselves?
Thus, minor forms of hemorrhoids can be treated at home without the help of a doctor, in case the patient is able and willing to make the necessary changes to his or her lifestyle. Nevertheless, if the hemorrhoids continue to worsen or are threatening, they need to be acted on medically.

7. What can I do to avoid having hemorrhoids?
To avoid hemorrhoids, one should take a high-fiber diet, drink a lot of water, not strain during defecation or exercise, and not sit for long periods.

8. Is there a possibility to cure hemorrhoids with home remedies?
Some of the ways used to treat hemorrhoids from the comfort of the home include taking sit baths, using topical solutions bought over the counter, applying ice packs, and using wet wipes rather than wiping the affected area with dry paper.

9. When should you go to the doctor for hemorrhoids?
You should go to a doctor if you are experiencing sharp and throbbing pain, bad hemorrhaging, or if the condition has not changed after trying home remedies. One should also consult a doctor whenever there are changes in bowel movement and whenever they feel lumps or growth in the anus area.

10. Do hemorrhoids result in other conditions?
Although hemorrhoids are not life-threatening, they are sore and can become complicated and bring about complications such as anemia, thrombosis, or infected hemorrhoids.


  • Qureshi
    : Author

    Hamad Tariq is SEO Expert and Website Editor. He combines his expertise in digital marketing with his passion for health and fitness. He ensures the website content is accessible, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines, reaching those who need it most.

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